At we want to provide a quality product at a low price. To make it easier for our customers, we list the condition of every product in the product description. While most products we offer are new, here is the list of all the possible product conditions:
The product is unused, unopened in its original packaging.
The product can be open box or an opened item and may or may not be complete. The outside factory seal has been broken due to a variety of reasons including but not limited to, a cancelled order or mishandling during transporting from warehouse to warehouse, etc.
Refurbished typically mean that the customer returned the item for reasons other than being defective. These unused or used items which have been returned to original manufacturers for various reasons: use in field tests, used in sales displays and cancellations. They are cleaned, quality checked and tested. They are also serviced if needed.
Refurbished products may come with minor blemishes and may come with or without manuals, batteries and back recovery disks. Some non-basic components (i.e. cables, manuals, accessories) may be missing. Please read the item description for package contents which are listed when known.
Items sold 'As Is' have not been inspected in any way where no guarantees are made concerning the condition of the product.
Items may be antiques which are classified based on age or a grouped item collected by collectors.